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We believe leadership development is for everyone, particularly those closest to issues that disenfranchise neighborhoods. We believe leadership is influence and inspiration of self and others. We believe leadership is a dynamic social endeavor where relationship is central. We believe that everyone has the capacity to be better tomorrow than they were yesterday, and that it is leadership’s responsibility to nurture that development.

LIFE is a leadership development utility dedicated to supporting academic and community advocates who are indigenous to local neighborhoods. Through self-awareness, healthy developmental networks, and advocating for racial equity and social justice, LIFE builds leadership capacity in those closest to the issues and situates sustainable agency within marginalized communities.


Leadership in marginalized communities is developed differently than conventional leadership within decision-making organizations. That means that established leadership development models, even when accessible, are not addressing the social, cultural, and political capital needed by leaders, indigenous to these neighborhoods, to engage and participate in traditional decision-making structures. This perpetuates a system where solutions are acted on communities rather than in partnership with communities.

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